Parent Partnership
Parents, First Baptist Tallapoosa wants to partner with you as you disciple your family. Within the discipleship section of our website, you will find the following resources:
1. Ages and Levels of Biblical Learning: As you raise your children, it is important to know what children should know about the Bible as they grow older. The Ages and Levels of Biblical Learning is a tool that lays out what children should know Biblically from birth through high school graduation. As an educator, I believe that this is one of the most powerful tools that will allow parents and Bible study leaders to assess students Biblical knowledge of the following ten categories: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, The Bible, Salvation, Creation, Church, People, Family, Community and World. For more information about the Ages and Levels of Biblical learning, please visit the Discipleship Resource section of our website.
2. Bible Skills for Kids: This resource, through Lifeway, provides ways for you to increase the Bible skills of you kids throughout the week. Look for Bible Skills for Kids under the Discipleship Resource section of our website.
3. God's Plan for Us: This is the gospel presentation for all people at First Baptist Tallapoosa. We encourage you to learn how we present the gospel by looking for God's Plan for Us under the Discipleship Resource section of our website.
4. Faith Talks: When it comes to talking to you children about faith, sometimes it is hard to know where to start. We are providing you with the resources that will allow you to freely and openly communicate to your children. This resource, produced by Parent Cue, is age specific. Here are the age divisions: (1) Conversation Guide for Parents of Preschoolers, (2) Conversation Guide for Parents of Elementary Schoolers, (3) Conversation Guide for Parents of Middle Schoolers, and (4) Conversation Guide for Parents of High Schoolers. I encourage you to look for this resource under the Discipleship Resource section of our website.
5. Big Picture Questions and Answers: This resource, produced by Lifeway, provides you with specific questions to ask your children or kids. The questions focus upon the following six categories: God, People, Jesus, The Bible, The Church, and Christian Life. I know, this sounds a lot like Ages and Levels of Biblical Learning, but it is not the same resource. Ages and Levels of Biblical learning is a resource from birth to high school graduation while Big Picture Questions and Answers is for Preschool and Kids (1-6th). I believe this is a powerful tool and can be utilized each night before bedtime or while you are driving your kids to school or when you are going on vacation. Remember, using this resource allows you to ask questions to begin a faith conversation. Look for the Big Picture Questions and Answers in the Discipleship Resource section of our website.
Finally, I know you must be thinking, "This is a lot of information." Yes, it is, but remember, you do not have to use it all at once. The most utilized resource should be the Parent Cue app because it provides you the information that we are teaching your kids and/or students. I encourage you to start here. I promise we will provide training throughout the year to help you learn the other resources and how to best to utilize them with your family. Until then, I encourage you to look through the material and know that our desire, at First Baptist Tallapoosa, is to help you and your family follow Jesus. We also desire to empower you with powerful tools, so that you can raise Godly children.
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